Neat little, pocket-sized memo book for
Vess soda lovers from 1955, highlighted with fun illustrations, a handy grocery store checklist, and 25 blank pages to write down your shopping needs upon. I could totally go for an ice cold grape flavor
Vess soda right about now!
This is the exactly sort of thing that I love this blog for showcasing. If I'd seen this notebook in a yard sale, I'm not sure I would have glanced twice at it. But here I see that it's totally fascinating. It's also high quality: The registration on these little spot-colored bottles of Vess is nearly perfect in every case. I like the six pack image best. But in each, the light reflections on the glass are specific enough to lead me to believe these were drawn from specific observed sources (photos of real bottles, likely); and especially in the case of the orange-flavored Vess on the cover, I wonder what exactly we are seeing in that reflection. It looks kind of like the interior of a tiki hut?
Welp, off to the grocery store to pick up my bluing and lard.
This is exactly the sort of thing that I started this blog for in the first place! :) I live for this stuff, and thank you Mr C for your continued comments and intelligence on print technique, both old and new
I had never even heard of Vess Soda, around here the choice of local brand sodas was/is A-treat or Franks (is it Franks? THANKS!)
That is the reason I enjoy this blog, I find out about local favorite items and the local flavor in other regions without having to go traveling.
Thanks for bringing a slice of regional flavor to the attention of fans of "And Everything else Too" from different regions of the US and around the world.
Wow that is really awesome! I seriously want to print it out and use it for my own grocery shopping. I've never heard of Vess in my life
I’m always surprised when someone says they’ve never heard of Vess, even people from STL seem to forget about it and it was seriously such a huge part of our local soft drink scene
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