One of my all time favorite manga and TV shows ever is
Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot, aka
Giant Robo, created in the late 60's by
Mitsuteru Yokoyama. Yes, a young boy in complete control of a massive rampaging robot, while defending Earth against evil invaders is of course every kids ultimate dream (right up there with being
Ultraman, for example!) Anyway, this 33 1/3 flexi disc from 1967 perfectly sums up the rock 'em sock 'em aspect of the manga (in color!) and is definitely one of the coolest records ever! Giant Robot, Kill!

I found quite a few of these kiddie storybook records while in Japan earlier this summer, and I'll be scanning and posting them occasionally here at
AEET over the next few months. Stay tuned...
This is such a towering example of excellent cartooning, especially on the human figures. I love the cover and the aerial dogfight panel on scan three. And everything about scan four. Thanks for posting these so big!
They really are incredible, and on top of the great art pages you also get a fun record to listen to as well— seriously nothing better!
Ok, thanks again for the comment, Mr C! A little perplexed that this awesome vintage kiddie record could only muster up ONE COMMENT, (and now rethinking on whether or not to even post any more of the records that I picked up in Japan) --anyway, once again, thanks!
Maybe everybody is busy at the end of the fiscal year? Maybe the "national conversation" has everyone so disgusted that they must avoid the computer to sit outside quietly in the grass and maintain a little sanity?
I know it's too little reward, but I sure would love to see more of this stuff anyway. I tried to come up with a strategy to dig up some MP3s of the record, too, but I haven't had any real luck yet. How's it sound?
Well, if it's anything I remember watching Johnny Sokko And His Giant Robot on the old WSNS channel 44 in Chicago...
Interesting that Johnny got a jet pack in this iteration, and that the baddies are on board piloting Ye Olde Engine Of Destructionne instead of sitting back and taking it in from a distance. Oh well, they get their comeuppance.
"Interesting that Johnny got a jet pack in this iteration"
in the show he always had one (but didn't use it a whole lot as the series progressed. He seemed to prefer to fly on Giant Robots hand)
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