Friday, February 14, 2025

And the "Style Maker Award" Original Cast Resin, Molded Figure Sculpt Goes to...

Me! That's right, I now own the original 70's cast resin, molded figure sculpt used to create the amazing bronze Charles Awards for the annual NHCA (National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Association) "Style Maker Award" ceremonial celebration. Each year (beginning in 1974) association members selected their favorite overall "style maker" of that year from a top ten list of famous, trendsetting ladies. Some of the past winners included: Victoria Principle, Marie Osmond, Stephanie Powers, Donna Mills and (see below) Olivia Newton-John and Linda Evans. Many other nominated superstar beauties included: Raquel Welsh, Joan Collins, Lynda Gray, Elizabeth Taylor, Cybill Shepherd, Kim Novak, Connie Sellecca, Priscilla Presley, etc. That's right, you had to have great hair and unmatched make-up style to achieve one of these outstanding awards! 

The sculpt itself is still in great condition and soooo nicely constructed by St. Louis local artist, Edna Goodenough, --and especially when you see how incredible it looks in its final bronze award version below! Included with the sculpt was also (thankfully) a complete folder of providence revealing the back 'n forth correspondence and invoicing between Edna and NHCA for the statue design and finished creations, --complete with Edna's personal notes and scribbly doodles a'plenty! Also included, tons of glamorous nominee photos, historic NHCA news articles regarding many of the Style Maker Award events, and even info on the male version of this award, which apparently Tom Selleck won (though that award isn't nearly as visually amazing as a nude struttin' nymph!) It is indeed my great honor to take possession of this piece of award history via my friend Jane who was best friends with Edna (RIP.) And Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Major vs. Colonel

So a huge part of Valentine's Date Night is planning the perfect night out on the town, which includes, of course, finding the perfect place for a delicious dinner! And umm, helloooo! You have less than a week to figure it all out and get that restaurant reservation secured! If I was alive in the 1940's and living in NYC, I think I'd be heading to Majors Cabin Grill on 33 West 33rd St. I don't know, it just looks like a fun place, and I love the the cover of this vintage menu I found, plus their sign out front is amazing. And then afterwards with our bellies full, maybe we'll take a stroll up Broadway to check out the fashionable department store window displays (loaded with gorgeous 40's mannequins!) at Gimbels, Saks, and Macy's! What's the perfect gift for that special someone on a night like this? A diamond necklace perhaps? There's too much to choose from! I suppose the night would conclude with something extra loud and raucous in Times Square, --because how great is that zoomed-in dance club illustration, anyway? (I think we'll skip the boxing match!) The truth of the matter is, it's 2025 and I'll likely be picking up a bucket of KFC on the way home from work, eventually settling in for a night of Regular Show repeats on Hulu with Z (hmmph-hmm[h, tsk tsk!) If I'm feeling extra inspired I'll even wear my KFC brass collector necklace from 1960. It's actually not as sad as it sounds...

Monday, February 10, 2025

At First Sight!

Who doesn't love a romantic, seaside courtship under the light of a yellowy moon? So let's check out the perfect match made in heaven for these two, from the February 1953 issue of Marvel Tales #111, as our month-long AEET Valentines Love-In continues...

Friday, February 7, 2025

Berkshire Stockings

Picked up this dynamitedly designed, 1920's art deco box for Berkshire Stockings a few weeks back and added it to the collection (yes, I also collect old stocking boxes!) Someone unfortunately scribbled on the lid cover, but that still doesn't detract from the beautiful illustration, color combos, and lovely brand logo lettering. There's a neat illustration inside the lid as well of the sprawling Berkshire Knitting Mills factory location in Reading, PA. If that ain't enough, the box still contains a nice, crisp sheet of embossed Berkshire Stockings tissue paper which was at one time wrapped around a fresh pair of white, size 9 1/2 stockings. One week to Valentine's Day...

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Hot-Nip

A few of you long-time AEET'ers may remember my 50's Hip-Nip Drink Flask post from 2015 HERE! Well, I'm happy to report that even though it took a freakin' decade, I finally found Hip's better half drinkin' buddy flask, the lovely redheaded Hot-Nip! Yes she can hardly believe the luck herself! And though the word "nip" this time around clearly means a lil swig from the flask itself, we're still gonna swing her around and show you the extra bits that'll truly keep you even warmer this winter season! So look there at the bottom --of the flask, I mean-- copyrighted "GARVIN" who is apparently the artist of our pint-sized plastic flask kitsch couple. Also noted, made by Milbit MFG Co. Inc. The flasks originally came in some amazing illustrated boxes too, click the previous post link above which will guide you to other sites with more images and info. I really hope to find their original packaging someday as well! 

The Nips now reside on my dusty book shelf next to my two favorite samurai who have likely convinced them to fill the flasks with Saki. Sayonara, you swingin' swiggers!

Monday, February 3, 2025

A Great Set: Sideboob Edition

In the comments of our previous post, John mentioned "a great set" which reminded me of the very definition of those words, via vintage keychain peeper I picked up recently. Looking down the barrel of our dynamite device, we see the image (though a little washed-out) none-the-less still conveys the scenic beauty and wondrous splendor of our lovely subject's distant, majestic peaks. And yes, if I may be so bold, I fully / firmly recommend that it's time to follow suit, and actually do something truly useful here in 2025 --by making the great outdoors THIS GREAT, again!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Busy Girls Correspondence Cards

While love is an atrociously awful brew this month over at THOIA, it's quite the opposite here at AEET! And I can't think of a better way to convey that feeling of all-month love than gawkin' at a bunch of gorgeously rendered, 1930's, vixenous Valentine postcard pretties! With eyelashes set to full-batten, and with more curves being thrown your way than a baseball double-header, let's sit back and take in the sights, and don't forget we're just getting started this month, oh boy oh boy!