My two all-time favorite things ever are: making puppets, and giving people the finger. So, when I saw this chapter in the Arrow Book of Tricks and Projects(Scholastic / 1960) I knew that I just had to share this wealth of amazing information with everyone! Yes, learn all the tricks to make simple and fun puppets from everyday, household objects, and then you too can secretly give everyone The Finger in the guise of putting on a puppet show! It's really this fuckin' easy!
Wow! The writers of that book had to know the context of "the finger" even in 1960. I'll bet there was a lot of snickering going on.
In our next puppet show: Giving everyone the devil horns!
This is absolutely magical. This illustrator had the best possible assignment.
I’ll post some more from this book next month, it’s tons of fun :) thanks for the comments!
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