Also lurking in the mix of
Dynamite Magazines I picked up recently (see previous post), was this cool 16x20, 3D werewolf poster from
Scholastic, dated 1978, with art by Neal Adams. Pretty sure it didn't come with the "Monster Family" issue of our last post (as I'm not seeing any mention of a werewolf poster in the table of contents), so does anyone know where this beast originated?
Wanna buy the original art? It's available now on eBay
It's from the Dynamite 3-D Poster Book (1979), not a regular issue of the magazine but a special cardboard jacketed one-off book.
Ahh, cool! Thanks Bro!
It must have been in a regular issue as well as I only bought the monthly magazine and I had it. Dynamite typically collected previously published works in their special one-off books. That poster hung on my wall for years.
You may be right!
Off off off topic, but I just had to let you know Karswell and followers of Everything else too, that you are never too old to rock, or defy authority-
Elderly German men escape nursing home to attend heavy metal concert
Funny story, though I also saw an article headline yesterday that said this actually didn’t really happen.
Yes, the story was debunked.
I love the red-blue three-deeing of this image so much. You can always tell a competent anaglyph by the middle ground (in this case, the werewolf's left foot, where red and blue register exactly), the plane from which the dimensionality both advances and recedes. This is such a clear and simple picture that it's really very easy to read the encoded optical data like a topographic map. I dig that.
I also collected Dynamite during this time period, and I didn't ever come across this poster. Not that eight year old me was particularly capable of completism. Not that poster extras weren't also routinely ganked by newsstand staff. Who knows what happened?
Thank you for explaining the 3D process Mr C... I really have no idea about any of this stuff!
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