This issue also contains a glossy, one-sided picture framed monster portrait printed on card stock, about the size of a postcard, and if you look close you can see the perforated lines around the monster faces-- this is where you're supposed to punch-out their mugs and stick your own gruesome family faces in instead! Print one out and have a monster mashin' blast!

Shit, where does one pick up a stack of Dynamites? I have 1 or 2 from around 4th grade.
Antique mall! :)
Good point. I guess I have seen some myself, but already had an armload of things I didn't feel guilty about bringing into the house and adding to the *stuff*. :)
I didn’t even buy all of them the seller had, just went through the stack and picked out a few. Might go back for more if they’re still there... they’re a little on the pricey side these days though
I loved Dynamite. I still have mine. I see them occasionally at garage and estate sales, but not terribly often. Too be honest, I'm surprised they don't go for more on eBay.
Awww - the fly father and son pic is touching :')
I would love to see All in the Family Monster Style the movie instead of Hotel Transylvania.
Where's Fly mama, CPC?
I actually don't mind those Hotel Tranny flicks too much, I mean, any monsters are better than no monsters in my book any day ;)
Loved this.Thank's.
Man, this is excellent! I totally had this issue when I was eight (I read Dynamite and Electric Company every chance I got, and these issues are among the fist periodicals I can remember consciously collecting. It didn't hurt that both titles wee very often about monsters and spooky stuff. I guess it sort of started the idea in my head. I was certainly also collecting MAD and Starlog at the time (or maybe slightly later). I still have this issue in a magazine box.
I always loved the Walter Velez art on this.
Those were all of my fave early stage mag collector titles too, as well as Famous Monsters... but do tell, what's this "Fist Periodical" you speak of? Martial arts, or more the adult variety? ;)
"fist periodicals"
Ha ha, Derp. I wish I was cool enough to have been a fan of either when I was eight. I was certainly privvy to the folks' National Lampoons at that early age, but mostly for the beautiful comics in the back. The beautiful coeds didn't start to effect me until well aft--well, actually I'm still mostly into the comics in the back of seventies NL's, frankly.
I got National Geographic when I was eight, too.
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