I posted a 1960's TerrytoonsSidney the Elephant book way back in 2011 (see it HERE), and here he comes again in yet another fabulously fun book, this time from 1977, and this time he's tellin' some time through the interactive wonders of a Magic Punch-Out See-Thru Picture Storybook, from Ottenheimer Publishers. Sure, there is a story here too, but that would make the post twice as long page scan wise, and hey, who wants to read when you can just focus on the cute illustrations! Ahem! Okay, also where ever you see the dotted line within the image, just know that's where the Magic Punch-Out See-Thru Picture moment happens --it lifts like a pop-up book flap to reveal the number on the next page underneath. Fun fun fun!
We're getting closer to summer, and all that sweet sun 'n fun, and vacations to far off exotic lands, or maybe you're just venturing right into your own backyard. Well, no matter... whatever you have planned, hopefully you'll keep it safe, and maybe even just a little bit sexy too like 'ol gramps here at the Florida Wishing Well. Keep wishin', gramps-- keep wishin'!
Found an old 70's issue of Whitman's Wacky Witch recently, and though it's full of cute art and silly stories, none of that comes close to the awesomeness of the Kenner 16-Page Fun Catalog inserted right in the middle of the whole thing! Yes, brilliant toy advertising in the guise of a comic book itself-- inside a kids comic??!! And 1973 was a big year for me (I turned 6), as this was the year that I think I really began to take notice of toys and toy commercials and most importantly the fact that I could actually choose what I wanted to get for my birthday or xmas! Every kid had a Spirograph, and I'm pretty sure I had some of the Chip-Away Sculptor sets, though I don't think it was Flintstones-- but I absolutely, and with utmost certainty had the SSP Racers (cars and motorcycles), the incredible Smash-Up Derby, and the Snoopy Toothbrush! What did you have?
A funny section in the September 1975 issue of The Monster Times #43, aka the ALL-DEMON ISSUE, entitled Ban-It-Yourself Exorcism Products-- from the headline: Merchants and advertisers have barely yet begun to plumb the enormous commercial possibilities of the Occult. This is puzzling, because the very drives which lead people to turn to the occult-- mainly a deep-rooted horror and revulsion of the Flesh, and a desire to achieve some super-human, ultra-antiseptic "Perfection of Spirit" --are precisely the same drives that keep them buying deodorant soap and air freshener. Certainly the hysterical popularity of THE EXORCIST should've given Madison Avenue a hint, and set them to merchandising products like this.
Highly unique looking funny animal story from Hi-Ho Comics #1, illustrated by the ever awesome Ellis Chambers for Four Star Publications in 1946. This series only ran for 3 issues, but the "Hep" Cats appeared in every one of them. Cute stuff, and "Lord! What corn!" --I love that silly writing!
Mr. Cavin asked to see the Wolfman pages from the Universal Studios Monsters Big Coloring Book, and here they are --see our last post too! I suppose some of these images could've been a bit more exciting, but the few that are, truly are. Hope to see more superb colored versions too!
***UPDATE!!!*** Mr. Cavin does it again!
***UPDATE #2!!!*** JMR777 gets in on the coloring book fun too!