Like it says on the box,
Figleag is the adult version of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, and is guaranteed to turn on any party. Made by
Stancraft Productions in 1972, it's all rather simple and brilliant really-- the box contains two life-size, black and white "photographic nudes" of a man and woman, along with 2 reusable, sticky-backed, Adam and Eve style fig leaves, a ruler, and unfortunately my newly acquired $7 copy is missing the revealing instructions-- though I'm guessing you can just look at the always incredible
Jack Davis box art to figure out how to play. Fortunately, mine appears to have never been played with. Ummm, the game, I mean...
Man, Davis did art for *everything!* Gags! Comics! Posters! Albums! And I don't think I've seen a single bad piece.
Did you censor the pictures or did they come that way?
Yeah, it came that way. And then later after the party got turned on, EVERYONE came that way... ;)
Wait are those circles that cover the wiener and taco on the actual game or did you add them?
(adult game play rated PG...)
Man, box art for the win! That cover is totally worth the seven bucks. I always love Jack, and he certainly wasn't phoning it in on this one. Maybe marker and ink wash? Whatever. Every single part of that cartoon is funny. He could have worked half as hard and it woulda still be brilliant.
I wonder if there ever was an instruction sheet? The only pre-opened box I see on eBay ($45) doesn't mention any. There's also a "brand new" shrink-wrapped box ($110). I can find no images of the instructions anywhere online. I wanted to see if there were maybe more illustrations.
The only thing that would have made this game funnier would have been Jack Davis drawing the nudes instead of using photographs.
Funny yes, but they wanted to sell the game so yeah, nude$ $ell
Also, I just realized the instructions are sorta printed on the paper ruler.
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