Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hold-A-Set Pillowcase

OMG! I woke up this morning and my evil arch nemesis Statico Electro was at it again-- my hair was a miserable mess! Good thing Sunset House '69 offers these scientifically astounding Hold-A-Set Pillowcases that do everything a regular pillowcase won't! Hurrah! My hair is saved!!


J_D_La_Rue_67 said...

I aint'got that problem!

... How many pages are there in that catalogue?

Mr. Karswell said...

Way too many... keyword Sunset House in my archive, tons more

Mr. Cavin said...

"not available in flannel."

Brian Barnes said...

Karswell, you show up with that hairdo and I'll buy you a hold-a-set pillowcase!

Mr. Karswell said...

Not a singe person cracked a klan hood joke-- you guys are SLIPPING!

Craftypants Carol said...

and i always thought it was laying on your hairdo that flattened it out. boy was i wrong!

Mr. Karswell said...

Ahhh, Carol reveals her own evil arch nemesis as Hairdario Flattenero

Crafty C said...

I've been plagued by señor flattinero all my life