Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Tasty Snack

Got a tasty little Christmas Special left-over for you guys today, it's a neat framed piece of late 50's or 60's original, hand drawn, though unfinished, advertising art that I found-- featuring a festive couple sharing a pretzel tray complete with a wonderful dip. Okay, the pretzels look a little wonky, and the people look like they were sketched by Sanho Kim (THOIA fiends will know who I'm talking about!) More than anything, I'm just glad that someone did the math for us here, because attempting to calculate ten cents off of 39 cents is not how I wanna spend my xmas vacation...


top_cat_james said...

Ewww ---Not exactly 9 1/2 Weeks, is it?

Brian Barnes said...

Ok that picture looks all the world like the guy in the santa hat is tied up and the cannibal woman is fattening him up. That woman has the face of somebody looking forward to a really good meal!

... or at least that's how I'd like to consider it!

JMR777 said...

In this day and age advertisements are decided by corporate headquarters, meaning every store has the same ad no matter where they are in the state or country. Fifty years ago their might have been more flexibility, especially when it came to local ads to be posted in individual stores.

Back then local stores relied more on local brands, so the blank spot would have been for the local brand of pretzels available for each store.
This is my best guess as to the design of this sign.

It is always nice to see the printed ephemera of days gone by, so thanks once again for the post, Karswell.

Mr. Cavin said...

Cool, real poster art from the golden age of groceries! I've always loved this kind of thing. The price line best of all. I assume a can label or something was pasted into the blank? I'm sure they were able to use this poster over and over with all their 29¢ products--or at least those things that could conceivably cover a pretzel: Mustard, butter, cheddar, French onion, sugar, mayo, peanut butter, Marmite, milk, Pepto Bismol, molasses, etc. Or, as the sign says, some mixture of those things.

Mr. Karswell said...

> nice to see the printed ephemera of days gone by

This is not printed, it’s the original hand drawn art

JMR777 said...

I stand corrected, but it being hand drawn, and surviving to present day instead of being thrown out, makes it even more rare.