I know it's been awhile since I posted anything here, and all apologies... I am currently working on a larger post though that I hope to get up later this week. In the meantime I thought I'd share these cool images I found scattered about online at various tumblr sites, and taken from an apparent 70's manga version of The Exorcist. It's an interestingly creepy, and highly surreal mix of recolored stills from the film plus wild artwork inserts by manga master Kazuo Umezu. If I, or anyone else, find more pages from it I'll be sure to update this post accordingly.
Pages three, four, and six here are really convincing sequential art pages. This had to, at the very least, be some kinda half-photo / half-traditional comic marketing supplement, if not a full-blown novelization of the film. I love page three especially. That's a fine combination of stylized art and screen cap--a combo that is usually way too awkward for me to like much.
Wow - this is so awesome! It totally reminds me of this book I had when I was a kid. It was a Fotonovel of the movie Grease where each page was a number of stills from the movie with stupid captions over the images of what the character was saying or thinking.
Leave it to the Japanese to turn terrifying into freeze-your-blood-in-your-veins-haunt-you-for-weeks-later vision of Hell terror. They turn terror all the way up to eleven ('This is Spinal Tap' quote for the few who never saw the movie.)
Pages three, four, and six here are really convincing sequential art pages. This had to, at the very least, be some kinda half-photo / half-traditional comic marketing supplement, if not a full-blown novelization of the film. I love page three especially. That's a fine combination of stylized art and screen cap--a combo that is usually way too awkward for me to like much.
Such a cool find.
Wow - this is so awesome! It totally reminds me of this book I had when I was a kid. It was a Fotonovel of the movie Grease where each page was a number of stills from the movie with stupid captions over the images of what the character was saying or thinking.
Leave it to the Japanese to turn terrifying into freeze-your-blood-in-your-veins-haunt-you-for-weeks-later vision of Hell terror. They turn terror all the way up to eleven ('This is Spinal Tap' quote for the few who never saw the movie.)
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