I recently found this wonderful vintage
Old Hickory Smokehouse Eggs carton (50's?) at an antique mall, and just look at all the great design and incredibly cute artwork / photography. To my dying day I will never understand why packaging like this was simply so much fun at one time, while these days most packagers seem to be happy just settling for a more complicatedly bland and boring appearance.
Let's take a closer look, shall we...
I love it. You're right, of course. Today's egg cartons are dull and stupid compared to this.
Oh my god that is so incredible! I absolutely love the teeny illustrations of all of the egg dishes! And the utensils in the kitchen. And the happy egg eating people :D. The salty and peppery shakers are insanely awesome too.
Thanks for sharing this - it's so great!
Yep, clearly there's a reason this carton from over half a century ago still exists, while all cartons of today go directly into the garbage can when you're finished with 'em!
Thanks for the comments! :)
I wonder if back then they turned out an egg carton featuring Easter images, bunnies and eggs in baskets and the like.
That would have been both an advertising and selling point for their eggs- buy 'em, dye 'em, store 'em in the carton when done.
This is great. I love vintage packaging. You're right, they were much more creative than today.
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