Some of you might know I was an art director for a certain public domain DVD company in the early 2000's, and during that time I was fortunate enough to work with a slew of really great Los Angeles talent. One guy in particular was
Patrick Owsley, who, unlike the other artists in my fabulous bull pen of consistent cover art designers, actually delivered hand crafted artwork (not digital files) of perfectly penciled roughs, and gorgeously painted --or in this case, color marker-- masterpieces on paper.
Patrick was my go-to guy for all of the classic character covers, mostly the big recognizable characters from
WB, Harvey, Fleischer, etc., and below is just a small sampling of the few remaining original pieces by him in my collection, (keeping in line with Halloween I thought I'd post the spookier themed covers!) And as you can see, if you needed an artist who could totally nail a character with 100%
ON MODEL precision, it's
Patrick. I love his
Casper and
Three Stooges cover, and this is just one of the many great
Clutch Cargo covers he did for me (fyi: these are the full DVD cover spreads, just draw a line down the middle for where the spine position went-- later I added the titles, synopsis, episode info and boiler to the front/back cover.) The
J. Evil Scientist art was something I commissioned him to do specifically for me, and I will cherish it forever!
Patrick for info on how to get your own original piece of art directly from him, and check out lots more on his amazing blog
HERE, and be sure to find him on
Facebook as well!
These are super!
No kidding, that guy nailed Casper, but I'm surprised you didn't cut and paste human lips into the Clutch Cargo DVD :)
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