Don't even think about trick 'r treating this year without a crackin' good joke to lay waste to your neighbor's funny bone while earnin' that sugary sweet proper! And leave it to
Cracker Jacks to deliver the goods, (when clearly they're not delivering much else, as it's easily my least favorite snack treat of all time!) BUT!!! I do love those itty bitty prizes, and after digging out a few of the best in vintage 70's tiny
Cracker Jacks prize joke books, I thought it time to do you all a
Halloween solid, and give ya a few
FREE side-splitters that are sure to fill your bag with so much candy, you'll still have a tummy ache by Thanksgiving! So here we go, I have 3 of these lined up this month, each book is one inch high and contains 8 jokes in all, and you know that the teeny size required me to scan them in at 600 dpi so you can get a really nice look at that fun artwork!
I'll be sharing these with you all throughout the month o'October-- so keep checking back!