This super cute hand-crank
"London Bridge" Music Maker Book from
Mattel (1968) rounds out our month of posts, which, aside from the very first
"Oops Xmas" post of the month, featured mostly items that I purchased at antique malls while vacationing in Albuquerque, NM earlier in the year. I really love the art here, does anyone know the artist? The crank still turns and the book still plays the memorable little tune too... but wow, apparently this childhood classic has lyrics I totally do not remember, nor do I believe I've ever even heard before --and I would have absolutely remembered words that included caramel blocks, marble cake, and chocolate fudge! So get in key, brush up on those lyrics, and start heading across the bridge-- for it's time to eat my fair lady! :O
Why burn the bridges, when we can eat 'em?
It doesn't sound like this new one's gonna last very long either. I love the pets singing on the music page (and the hentai architect lass on the blueprint page. Nice knickers!). I'm not sure I've ever seen a music box book. This is a really smart idea.
really cute!
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