Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Sands

Another recent deep dive into a big ol dusty box of vintage antique mall ephemera produced a great 1950's or 60's Las Vegas brochure direct from The Sands "Showplace of the Stars", --from an era where legendary Dean Martin was doing his dynamo Dino act. And wow, as you continue opening the brochure it just gets better and better, full of great illustrations for other classic Sands highlights: the casino, pool, nightclubs, and dining. And gosh, I super love that light blue / gold color combination of the brochure design too. Now, as if all of this wasn't enough, flip the brochure over and right there on the backside, scribbled in blue ink, what do we find? Only Dean Martin's actual autograph! I've compared it to other examples of his signature online and it appears to be authentic. What a score for 50 cents, eh?

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Takara's Sirene

Talking all things Go Nagi with Mr. Cavin a few weeks back reminded me about this Japanese Silene aka Sirene kit (produced by Takara) that I purchased a couple of years back, but for whatever reason just never featured here at AEET. Beautifully packaged, and according to the finished photos of her on the back of the box, it looks to be one of the coolest, most highly articulate Devilman related toys ever created of her. But dang, this thing requires so much fine cutting, and intricate assembly / detail work, (who wants to exacto blade those double-sided head feathers and every claw nail for me?!) --I'm almost afraid to even begin tackling her. Someday I will of course, but in the meantime, if anyone can even find any other images online of a finished version, I'd sure love to see 'em. The internet sometimes seems oddly void of basic information and pictures regarding some things, even something as awesome as this lovely creature of evil...