Not sure what lame brain calls puffy stickers "Three Dimensional" (ahem! Norman Maurer, ahem!) but it's definitely depicting
The Three Stooges here-- I think! Hilariously off-model renditions of everyone's favorite ultra violent silver screen knuckleheads, caricatured in a variety of wacky ways, one that definitely borrows from the 1965
Cambria Studios animated series version, and the others, well, I'm not exactly sure about, though the stickers are dated 1980 which was just 2 years after
The Robonic Stooges, so who knows. And what's the story on that fish, anybody know? All I can say is that every time I look at the astoundingly barrel bottom Larry and Curly on the yellow header card below-- I wanna poke my own eyes out! Nyuk nyuk nyuk!