A very exhausting clean-up in
Karswell Kastle recently unearthed some interesting finds, things I had forgotten about, other things I had misplaced rather haphazard and foolishly. And I seriously have no idea when, where, or why I acquired a 1954 copy of
Catholic Miss of America, as most things associated with any form of organized religion makes me instantly want to crank some Venom or Slayer-- but!!! --a quick flip-thru of the browning, crumbling pages and immediately I could see why (or how) this issue made its way into my devilish grip. Yes, cute girl illustrations seem to find their way into my possession no matter where they materialize from, and as your savior of forgotten key art (and now Catholic kitsch), I am more than happy to help these blessed things find new, everlasting, and yes, even redeeming life through the blood of blogger resurrection. Amen.