Monday, February 26, 2024


If you've been having as much trouble with your brassiere lately as I have, then this Renu-Back elastic, adjustable bra-extender might just be the thing you're looking for. Or maybe you're just into really attractive good-girl art gracing old time lady undergarment packaging. To be honest, the second I picked this thing up I thought it looked a lot like the risqué underground fetish style "Nights of Horror" banned booklet art that Joe Schuster was producing in the early 50's.


Brian Barnes said...

Yes, but can it also be used to refresh my g-string?

JMR777 said...

She has a cute come-hither look; I could imagine her saying "naughty boy" to any guy looking at this package.

Seeing this image made me think of the tale form THOIA "They’ll Never Believe Me" December 16, 2007, both ladies do look similar, but not identical.

Mr. Cavin said...

This woulda been just the thing back when I was wearing an N95 mask sixteen hours a day. Boy, but the back of my ears are never going to be the same.

Digging the art!