Friday, December 19, 2014

Power Girdle vs. Sauna Suit

Sunset House '69 is ready to size you up this xmas by posing this simple question: Strangle your body in the kung-fu death grip vice of The Power Girdle? Or slowly sweat it off in the baggy, astronaut confinement of the The Sauna Suit? Or both? Or neither! With all the holiday cakes and pies and cookies and candies this season-- the choice is, or isn't, yours!

Choose, or don't choose, today!


Crafty C said...

Wow. I have so many questions. What if you're not even small enough to fit in the sauna suit in the first place?? And how do you clean it after you've sweated up a storm in there?

I think I'd prefer the gentle persuader but I'm not even sure what that means.

Mr. Karswell said...

I prefer saying "POWER GIRDLE!" whenever possible.

Mr. Cavin said...

There is something very visually appropriate about that sauna suit picture, but I can't think of it. Do HAZMAT agents typically comb the beaches with metal detectors? Or is it because astronauts like to play golf on the moon? It reminds me of something wonderful.

Of course, so do the power girdle ladies. But I know what that is.

Mr. Karswell said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean, Mr C... exactly