Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Royal Crown Cola Mirror

Something else to hang somewhere somehow now as I’m totally running out of wall space --BUT!-- I couldn’t pass it up for $50 (and OMG online prices for this thing = bonkers.) Featuring the spectacular 1930’s Egyptian pyramids and nouveau twin nymphs bottle motif (and based on an old tray design-- see last image below), the mirror is probably more from the 70's or 80's but clearly at this point still celebrating a lengthy sody pop history rivalry vs. Coke and Pepsi. FYI Royal Crown Cola is also known as RC Cola, --heyyyy now, remember the 70's jingle?


JMR777 said...

I remember RC though I never saw any advertising material of it other than commercials.

Mr. Cavin said...

I grew up just around the corner from Royal Crown's country roots in Georgia, so my childhood was definitely marked by a three-way cola war that not everybody experienced. There were always RC machines sitting beside the ones for Coke and Pepsi, and I'd tend to buy RC if a place didn't have Coke. I'd never buy Pepsi, though.

I definitely remember the "working man's lunch" shelf in old gas stations, with the RC bottles and the Moon Pie display side-by-side. I never saw a mirror like this, though (or any old-timey pyramid bottle labels, either). It's pretty durn cool no matter when it was made. I especially like the etched-in nouveau decoration.

Brian Barnes said...

RC is still being sold. I remember that was the soda that what sold at the concession at our high school football games. It's ... not my favorite!

This advertising piece is, though, that's so pretty and I love the shading on the bottle. Really high end work.