A few of you long-time AEET'ers may remember my 50's Hip-Nip Drink Flask post from 2015 HERE! Well, I'm happy to report that even though it took a freakin' decade, I finally found Hip's better half drinkin' buddy flask, the lovely redheaded Hot-Nip! Yes she can hardly believe the luck herself! And though the word "nip" this time around clearly means a lil swig from the flask itself, we're still gonna swing her around and show you the extra bits that'll truly keep you even warmer this winter season! So look there at the bottom --of the flask, I mean-- copyrighted "GARVIN" who is apparently the artist of our pint-sized plastic flask kitsch couple. Also noted, made by Milbit MFG Co. Inc. The flasks originally came in some amazing illustrated boxes too, click the previous post link above which will guide you to other sites with more images and info. I really hope to find their original packaging someday as well!
The Nips now reside on my dusty book shelf next to my two favorite samurai who have likely convinced them to fill the flasks with Saki. Sayonara, you swingin' swiggers!
I have to say Mr. Nips really married up in status!
Got to give Garvin a lot of props here, great illustration and great modeling of the heads. I love the swirly fill on the dress and the very advertising like clean style, and, again, great use of a very limited color set.
Miss Nip is cut off at the knees, so she's actually probably about 3 feet taller than Mr Nip. Again, Mr Nip, lucky guy, if that's your thing!
So these are essentially Soaky bottles for adults---And what better way to get "soaked"?
From Ms Nip's expression she's kept herself quite warm already.
Hot Nip, it reminds me of a line from the Immortal Three Stooges, from the Short Uncivil Warriors-
Curly "Let's have a nip and tuck....one nip and they tuck you away for the night"
I can't believe you haven't switched the caps.
These things are actually much larger than I thought they were. That flask looks like it holds a whole pint!
Yes, they definitely can hold a pint... and I'm switching the caps NOW!! haha
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