Wednesday, September 4, 2024

TO: Glamour Pusses & Nature Men

It's totally weird but I have a wildly large number of friends, both male and female, with birthdays in September. Keeping them all straight is a real work load though, and sometimes I fail. So please allow me to state right here and now that I am covering every single one of you up front with these two naughty 70's birthday cards, because like me, --you're all a bunch crazy pervs too!

Happy Birthday, one and all! 


Brian Barnes said...

I'm a sucker for good use of a limited palette. The first car has basically black and red, but with it the skin tone, the cool background, the checkmarks, the hair. I mean, that's a good deal of skill for novelty dirty card makers.

JMR777 said...

In the first card, the drapes don't match the rug.

In the second card, a woman is a mystery, no matter how clever you think you are.

These cards were a step above nudie cutie cards, fun times from the sexy seventies.

top_cat_james said...

I'm assuming these were not available at your local Rexall.

Mr. Karswell said...

No, only at the XXXall ;)

Sometimes it’s more interesting when the drapes and rug don’t match, ya know?

Mr. Cavin said...

I think I like the first card best. Not that I have to rank every little thing. But there is just something about the audacious directness of it: There's no clever distractions, no cute pussy-footing around, it just smacks you upside the head with some surprise blunt-force nudity. It makes the second card seem safe and twee.

Speaking of, the interior of card two looks like unfinished art. Like, you can see the sketchy hesitation marks in the original pencils. That's probably owing to a rather too brisk production schedule. Erasing steals time from the company!