And now for the wonderfully illustrated, super silly second half of Roy Raymonde's classic prehistoric cutie from The Constant Minx (1961.) And now with more centaurs 'n centauresses-- and even a mermaid too!
I like the brunette cave girl! And the little turtle! But like the guy who commented on the last post - I don’t get most of the jokes. But the art is neat!
Thank you Mr.K. you are the constant day brightener.
Haha, thanks... I'll add that to my resume. Horror host, Day Brightener. :) glad you're enjoying these
I thought the blinders joke a the end was pretty funny. I like the way this guy draws centaurs for sure.
There is a second volume book to this one, More Constant Minx as well.
Thanks for the comments
I like the brunette cave girl! And the little turtle! But like the guy who commented on the last post - I don’t get most of the jokes. But the art is neat!
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