Today we have highlights from a comical, spiral bound, daily "reminder" calendar from Comet Tool and Die Company of St. Louis MO, given to customers in 1961. Not every day has a cartoon entry as featured in today's post, some days are just lumped together and share a saucy text joke, but here are all the hilarious illustrated gags that make up June 1961-- and maybe some of you will recognize a few of the artists too! And since June and July seem to go hand in hand, the next post will feature all the hilarious, super naughty cartoons from July '61 as well!
I'm impressed by the the brush work on the "inhale slowly" gag, even if the figure drawing looks a little on the rushed side. Probably the same artist as that last one too? Only the last one has a signature.
There's quite a few DeCarlo gags scattered throughout, and a few others signed... pretty sure most of this stuff is recycled from the Sex to Sexty series.
The book is smallish, about hand sized, and contains a full year calendar of pages featuring either cartoons or text jokes, plus areas on each page to write notes etc
I'm impressed by the the brush work on the "inhale slowly" gag, even if the figure drawing looks a little on the rushed side. Probably the same artist as that last one too? Only the last one has a signature.
wow i love this. how big is the book?
There's quite a few DeCarlo gags scattered throughout, and a few others signed... pretty sure most of this stuff is recycled from the Sex to Sexty series.
The book is smallish, about hand sized, and contains a full year calendar of pages featuring either cartoons or text jokes, plus areas on each page to write notes etc
man i seriously would have flipped out over something like that when i was a kid - and now too! i love little books like that!
More coming up next! :)
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