Found some groovy 60's / early 70's packaging the other day: an un-used, fun 'n frilly roll of Con-Tact Brand Pleated Trim Self Adhesive Plastic Shelf Edging material! I've always been a big fan of that dotty orange - white - yellow - black line psychedelic color scheme, especially for retro kitchens because it reminds me of my own 70's summers-- but my absolute favorite thing about this is the happy young lady illustrations on the back showing how you too can really class up the joint with this stuff. The possibilities are endless-- heck, I actually wouldn't mind a pleated belt made from a section strip of this to help keep my stupid work pants from always falling down.
I thought at first they flipped the lady but she's ... slightly different. Might be the coloring. Her hair is definitely different. Again, good use of a few basic colors.
I like the yellows and oranges on that tape it would really stick out.
I could imagine this in the cabinets of a 70's kitchen along with an avocado green fridge and wood paneling.
I have nothing against the 1970's, every decade has its ups and downs, challenges and triumphs, its good and bad years.
Make a nice hat band.
That is a great cartoon design. How unexpectedly cute. Man, I would have never found this packaging art on my own. I wouldn't have known to give the product a second glance when I saw it was DIY hardware store stuff. I have to be more careful!
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