Thursday, December 26, 2024

Return of Fatima

Some of you might remember my previous toy post about Fatima the Harem Dancing Girl back in 2020, HERE. Well, I found another one, although this time in a lesser quality condition. One very busted up right arm, not to mention the movement lever underneath her booty is also broken, making it hard to get her to actually grind around on that big 'ol fleshy cushion of hers. What makes this Fatima different than my other one though, (and the reason I went ahead and bought it), is that someone who owned her in the past took the time to actually give this one some color. Her eyes, hair, and skimpy harem clothing appear to have been colored in with, I'm guessing, a blue ink pen. Kind of an unnecessary addition to a neat old adult toy, for sure, but never the less makes her still an interesting / different item for the kinky 'ol kooky Karswell Kollection.


Brian Barnes said...

It'd be a christmas miracle to get the crank working again!

That is a good sculpt for a novelty item. It's extremely small which makes the work that much harder but it shows really well. I'm always surprised at the amount of work that went into some of these, and extra thanks to the person who decided to give it some color!

Mr. Cavin said...

Is the lilac blush of her upper skirt just bleed from the color of the belt, then? Or do you think that was a separate bit of work? I think the touch-up on the belt and hair are excellent, and would probably have never known they were an aftermarket addition. The work on her eyes is excellent in the other way--it makes her look like a Communion alien. Hubba-hubba!

Nice find.

Mr. Karswell said...

Yes, it seems like the ink was applied and then maybe just finger smudged to give it that look / effect. Haha I laughed out loud at the Communion comment!