Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Burn, Pig! Burn!

Does anyone else prepare ham for Thanksgiving instead of the bird? I know ham seems more like a Christmas thing, but sometimes we just skip the all day oven-a-thon and get some glazed pig, --which reminds me of these darling wooden barbecue matches that come in a big long tube. You get some really neat, midcentury style illustrations on the sides, including a cute little chef dangerously prancing around with pointed shishkabob instrumentation, as well as an inverted hog over an open spit fire getting himself extra crispy for the dinner festivities. I feel kind of bad for him, but then again, that's exactly what I look like while I'm dreaming about a BLT sandwich, so...


Brian Barnes said...

Very cute, and that pig looks very content to be cooked! Happy Thanksgiving, to my favorite blog!

Mr. Cavin said...

I always loved giant matches when I was a kid. But Safety matches are a drag. I want to be able to light my fire by scraping that match head on all sorts of cool stuff, just like in the movies. Why even wear wicked boots, metal zippers, or a scruffy stubble if you just have to strike those things on the can?

Course, I never saw any huge safety matches with cute can art like these before, either.

Armpit Studios said...

What's the string for?

Mr. Karswell said...

I imagine the string is so you can hang them on the wall away from pyromaniacal kids