Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Perils of Pearl Pureheart

Speaking of Mighty Mouse (see previous post HERE), let's check in on everyone's favorite flying hero rodent as once again his evil nemesis, Oil Can Harry, has captured MM's pretty best gal, Pearl Pureheart, for his nefarious, deadly pleasure! Destruction of the innocent-- indeed! From the December 1950 issue of Mighty Mouse #21.


Brian Barnes said...

I love the pureness of this script -- there's no grand plans, there's no reasoning ... it's just a hero and villain fulfilling their roles. Why is Harry trying to kill Pearl? That's what he does!

He goes to an immense amount of trouble -- he could be planning a bank robbery or something that might enrich him but no -- he constructs a whole town of dummies!

Lots of fun art here, almost all the good stuff on Harry. His expressions are a real joy to behold, from the evil of lighting to the fuse, the bright eyes of coming up with a plan, to tumbling over the cliff. That's some great funny animal strip art!

Mr. Cavin said...

Hey, the dummies were a pretty clever idea. My favorite thing about these is Pearl's bland line deliveries. "Oh Drat, about to die." I also dig it when she socks Harry in the face.

Mr. Karswell said...

This is one of my all time favorite funny books, glad you guys liked it :)

Anyway, back to the gruesome grave in our next post...