Time once again to venture into hick territory, and join
Hickory himself (and Paw) as they attempt to unravel the bafflin' mystery up at the 'ol haunted house on the hill! Fun art by
Harry Sahle to boot!
"Dog'gone it, ah sure wish ah believed in ghosts too!"
From the June 1950 issue of
Hickory #5.
It always amazes me how much excellent work is hiding out in humor and romance titles I've hardly ever heard of before. Even the printing on this thing was dynamite.
Agreed! I need to delve a bit deeper into these genres as well, some obvious definite gems await!
Story's a bit thin, but the art's solid.
We've definitely seen this plot a zillion times (crooks posing as spooks in an abandoned house to scare away the locals)-- but I'll be damed if I ever get tired of that scenario! ;)
Thanks fore the comments!
also, DAMNED!
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