November typically becomes the month when I turn up the juice on the food posts, and what better juice is there in this wonderful world than a thick, rich, dark red, warm and flowing gusher of bloo--- errr, I mean ketchup-- yes,
KETCHUP into your liver pate, dill steak logs, mozzarella meat whirls, and scrumptious shrimp ho-ho! Granted your creoles, curries, and cacciatores might benefit from something a little classier than a couple bottle smacks of
Heinz 57, but hey, this ain't the
"and everything else too" blog for nothing! Yep, what it is is, it's another fun little 50's booklet bursting with jaw dropping recipes and incredibly cute artwork as can only ever seem to be found from this particular mid century, advertising time era. And who remembers when we crazy cooked with kooky ketchup back when I brazenly first started this blog back in 2010? Click
HERE after todays post for a stroll down another good 'ol ketchup flavored memory lane. More foods coming up too!