Before we plunge into another large scale post, I want to take a minute and throw out some well wishes to everyone (myself included) who is, or has been either sick, injured, or potentially planning a date with their local mortician, because
2010 so far has been a disasterous year (they used to drop like flies in 3's-- now they're shuffling off this mortal coil by the dozen!) So please friends, take a moment to take extra special care, and don't forget to take your vitamins too.
(1960's American Greetings Corp HI BROWS "get well" card)
Very cool banner, BTW. Fits the blog to a T.
That is the most darling get well card! It kind of reminds me of the one my Mum and Dad got for me when I had my tonsils taken out :)
>Very cool banner, BTW. Fits the blog to a T.
Thanks Mykal, I've been going back and forth with it and trying to get everything to look a certain way... you may come back tomorrow and see it's all totally different, consider this blog a never ending, ongoing work in progress.
>That is the most darling get well card!
I was ready to do an undertaker post over at THOIA but last minute decided it worked better here... especially after recently losing Dennis Hopper, Gary Coleman, AND another Golden Girl! I'd love to see the card yer mum and dad got you.
Beautiful card Mr Karswell.
I’m enjoying seeing some of my old posts again as well! Many of these I completely forgot about... seriously, where does the time go?
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