Monday, November 4, 2013

Mummified Mini-Comic Monday

Here's a fun little bonus filler from the back pages of the June 1969 issue of Western's Hanna-Barbera Banana Splits #1. Man I love mummies-- but female mummies are a REAL treat! So print these images, cut 'em out, stack 'em in order, staple the left hand edge, then flip them into animated life for a cool mini-mummy movie right in the palm of your hand! Who needs an iPhone!


  1. :O

    my brain is screaming so loud right now that i can't even hear myself scream!

    i LOVE this! is this gonna be a regular thing???? Mini-Comic Monday? you started it! you gotta keep doing it. it's the rule!

    oh man!

  2. I'll see what I can do, ain't promising nothing though, and of course I'm the King of Rule Breakin!

  3. "Breakin the rules, Breakin the rules..."

  4. I have this issue, I'll go ruing it right now!

  5. Lovely. I love screen process color blown up really big; her face is excellent in that last panel.

  6. That's kind of risqué for a kids comic ... what would the sour grapes think?

  7. I love that the other mummies are whistling at her-- a cute girl can definitely awaken you from an ancient slumber!
