Saturday, November 2, 2013

More Pins More Fun

Published in 1954 by The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, this grand little booklet about bowling is not only full of great design and a smashingly cool cover illustration by Walt Ditzen (click HERE for more on Ditzen as featured in the second half of a previous AEET post), but it also covers everything you need to know about getting your B game out of the gutter! Hints and How To's, Footwork and Shoes, rad Carry All Bags, Balls, and more! Take a second and learn a few valuable pointers too-- why, just from the glossary page alone I learned about a Cherry, Brooklyn and Jersey Sides, and a Turkey! That's right, bowling is FUN!


  1. i dont think there's any amount of reading of handy tips that's gonna get my B game out of the gutter :(. i do like the idea that Red Crown Pins could improve my game though! and i think that nifty little plaid shoe carrying case would improve my game a lot too!!

  2. I was just thinking about how I should totally start collecting old bowling ball bags... because obviously I don't collect enough stuff already

  3. yeah but if you did collect them you could actually use them for things - like storing your other things!!!

    1. Not a bad idea! Oh wait a sec, yeah it is...

  4. that is exactly what i would do!!!! why have cool old stuff in a box when you can put in another cool old thing??? is my motto.

  5. Old Stuff in Old Boxes sounds like an adult film I would never want to watch

  6. I always really dug the shoes....

    1. STL used to have a bowling museum, I was just looking around online for info about it but I guess it's closed... anyone know what happened?
