Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Put Through the Wringer

ADULTS ONLY! Back in September, I posted one of these cutie nudie looking glass novelty key chains (click HERE if you missed it), and today I have another, probably from the 50's or 60's too, but this one definitely milks the funny "novelty" aspect a bit more than the other!

Oh my, that's gotta hurt! haha...


  1. >this one definitely milks the funny "novelty" aspect a bit more than the >other!
    Pun intended?

  2. Oh wow, they had such weird mammography machines back in the past.

  3. >Pun intended?

    haha, *wink! ;)

    >they had such weird mammography machines back in the past

    You can almost read the words "multi purpose" on her lips

  4. This might be an early attempt at mimeography, but I'm not seeing the ink?
