Thursday, November 30, 2017

Punk Moon

Cool mask I found for only $1 at an antique mall (thank you Post Halloween Sale!) which reminds me of the Dead Moon (band) logo quite a bit, or even a scary version of McDonald's "Mack Tonight" commercial character from the 80's. It's weirdly huge in size, and very heavy due to the extra thick high quality rubber. I spent a few days looking it up and trying to find basically any info about it, with nothing to go on but Paper Magic Group 2000 molded onto the back, and then finally after much online digging, I stumbled upon an Illusive Concepts catalog from the same year that finally revealed to me the name as "Punk Moon."

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Disney Haunted House Puzzle

Another recently rad antique mall find was this super fun Disneyland "Haunted House" puzzle from either the 60's or early 70's. There's Mickey and Goofy, and wait a sec-- I recognize a few of those ghosts! Saaaaaay... this isn't just any old "haunted house" --this is the HAUNTED MANSION! My favorite ride in the entire world and there's actually a 100 piece puzzle for it! (FYI: I counted the pieces and turns out there's actually 104!)

For another turns out, there's even a HM puzzle HERE, this time with 1000 pieces and featuring the iconic park ride poster art.

Monday, November 27, 2017

At Last-- Canned Sex!

Found this funny little tin can novelty gag at the antique mall last week, there's no date on it but the artwork would suggest 60's or 70's, as does the slight ring of rust around the can top and bottom edges. And get a load of those ingredients, haha. It doesn't open, (and like some actual sex, feels totally empty inside), but it does have an area on the label where you can address it and mail it to someone in dire need of some canned action! I wonder if they sold this in a "tall boy" version too?

Saturday, November 25, 2017

You Eat Too Much

Okay, maybe you do eat too much, or maybe you don't-- but just maybe everyone did this passed holiday and that is where AEET comes in! Yep, I don't point fingers or throw blame on anyone's plate, I just deliver the fun art and maybe a few helpful lil tid bits of whatever may assist in leaving a healthy, lasting impression upon you. So don't fret, just check out the previous post HERE for more info on this 50's Better Homes and Gardens Diet Book in case you somehow missed it, because, you know, maybe you were distracted by pies-- or maybe you were exercising?

I really don't care...

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Gain / Burn

After eating a couple bucket loads of halloween candy, you'd think that's the end of it, right? Nope. Here comes Thanksgiving with all the pies and mashed potatoes and gravies and candied yams (the yams did it!!), immediately followed by another month of xmas cookies and fudge and fruit job cakes and OMG don't even think about touching that one last wafer thin mint on New Year Evil!! Dr. James R. Wilson had some thoughts about this when, over half a century ago, he released his wonderfully illustrated (sadly uncredited) and very informative Better Homes and Garden Diet Book in 1955. If you're going to GAIN weight, then do it the RIGHT way. Right? Below are a few tips for proper ways of packing it on (delicious cold fried chicken right before bed isn't something everyone already lovingly knows about??!!) I've also been gracious enough to include a few ways you can BURN off a certain number of calories by barely doing anything at all too! I know, I know... I am all too kind. And FYI: this book is over 250 pages long, so we'll likely be seeing more from it in the next post too. And aside from the cafeteria and cover pic, everything here is scanned at 600%!!!

More to come, stay tuned-- and don't spoil your appetite!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Cook with Ketchup

November typically becomes the month when I turn up the juice on the food posts, and what better juice is there in this wonderful world than a thick, rich, dark red, warm and flowing gusher of bloo--- errr, I mean ketchup-- yes, KETCHUP into your liver pate, dill steak logs, mozzarella meat whirls, and scrumptious shrimp ho-ho! Granted your creoles, curries, and cacciatores might benefit from something a little classier than a couple bottle smacks of Heinz 57, but hey, this ain't the "and everything else too" blog for nothing! Yep, what it is is, it's another fun little 50's booklet bursting with jaw dropping recipes and incredibly cute artwork as can only ever seem to be found from this particular mid century, advertising time era. And who remembers when we crazy cooked with kooky ketchup back when I brazenly first started this blog back in 2010? Click HERE after todays post for a stroll down another good 'ol ketchup flavored memory lane. More foods coming up too!