Saturday, February 14, 2015

Standard Facials

If you're out and about on this Valentine's Day and looking for some X's and O's, it's best to look your best and be ready should cupid's magical arrow be cocked and ready to unload in your tempting direction. Excel Beauty College's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology (1967 edition, Chapter 18) has some terrific tips on how to really make that frumpy face o'yours truly light up: eyes, lips, cheeks etc... it's all important from your barn door forehead to your triple chinny-chin-chin! So please, don't leave the house until you've at least followed a few of these basic helpful tips to transfer your mangled mug into a dreamy target of love! (Illustrations by Warren Meek)


  1. PS: apologies on the condition of some of these images, --500 page text books aren't the easiest to scan, don'tcha know!

  2. This is wonderful and informative. I really appreciate the side-by-side before and after comparisons. Also, not for nothing, your introductory paragraph--while always excellent--may have transcended itself in this post. May have ascended to something holy. Way to work a theme! Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Haha, I spent more time writing this intro than scanning the last 5 posts combined (THOIA included!) thanks man :)

  4. Wow this is great!! I love the " I know you want to bone me but I prob won't let you" look they all have. And how in all the before pics they look worried or mad and in the after pics they all look pretty much the same.

    I'll have to get my weird shaped face down to the beauty parlor for some reconstructive make-uping!

  5. What about people like me with a hand grenade shaped head though??!!

  6. I think you follow the directions for both the round and square faces and top it off with the bulging eyes treatment
