Monday, October 13, 2014

Dancing Skeletons and Creepy-Crawly Hands!

Here are a couple of fun projects you can make this Halloween! I mean, seriously-- what party is complete without dancing skeletons and hands creeping and crawling all over you? I'll have a few more from this book in our next post too, along with some silly monster jokes. From "Happy Halloween! Things to Make and Do" (1981 / Troll Associates) written by Robyn Supraner and illustrations by Renzo Barto.


  1. Yay. More than trick-or-treating, I am nostalgic for good Halloween parties. I guess it's one of those second-childhood perks you get when you actually have kids. Adult Halloween parties are okay (well, I don't miss college parties, really, but a classy October soiree is tres cool), but all the costume birthday parties of my youth, with their orange crepe and black balloons and plastic cupcake decorations in the shape of witches and ghosts, those were way better. I miss the old-time articulated cardboard decorations we punched out of colored sheets and taped into the windows. I miss jack-o-lantern and scarecrow paper ice cream bowls.

  2. I was on a Disney cruise last Halloween and definitely had more fun at their top deck halloween party than any other party I have been to since I was a grade schooler.

  3. neat! i really love this kind of stuff!
