Saturday, September 13, 2014

Pageant's Parade of Life

Wonderful key art highlights from the March 1965 issue of Pageant Vol. 20, No. 9. If you're unfamiliar with Pageant, it's sort of a trashier men's version of Reader's Digest, smaller sized and square bound, but full of sex related articles and eye-poppin' photo lay-outs of scantily clad actresses (coming in our next post!) The various bits below that look like Paul Coker art were printed very small so I've blown them up 600% --because that's what we like to do around here! How gorgeous is that Jackson W. Paine piece? If anyone recognizes any of the other artists, please let us know...


  1. These are all fun and great--and that pink dollhouse is stunning--but I'm probably most impressed with the fake writing on the spine of that book. Holy cow that's hard to do, and this guy's pulled it off with élan.

  2. Couldn't find an art credit anywhere in the issue, but pretty sure that stuff is Coker

  3. The last 4 are definitely Coker. I've studied Mad magazines for enough of my life to recognize his artwork anywhere.

  4. "The Frightened, Virile Man,
    The Fear of Impotence"

    Starting the fear of women early, aren't we?

    1. The fear of women is always there, actually... when does it ever end?

  5. whatev to that fear of women bs!

    i love all the tvs!!!

  6. Everything I know about women comes from repeated viewings of Hammer Studio films The Gorgon and The Reptile
