Saturday, February 4, 2012

Valentine's Month Massacre (PART TWO)

Round Two of our Valentine's Month Massacre, focus on cute couples snuggle buggin' from the frozen arctic tundras to the sweaty swingin' jungles, at the drive-in, on a moped, prehistorically or cannibalistically, or from one sarcophagus to another. Ja! Love knows no bounds!

And "loads" more love comin' up!


  1. more adorable! though, every time i see Fred Flintstone now i expect to see a cigarette hanging out of his mouth...

  2. Love the two kids on the Vespa. Valentines Italian Style!

  3. Gosh! So darn cute :-) I really like the cannibal one! Adorable cannibals!

  4. It's cool how everyone has their own favorite... mine is the mummy couple all wrapped up in each other.

    Next up, we'll see how love is brewin' in the animal kingdom!

  5. I dig the mummy one best too...wonder what Freudian thing that reveals about me! ;-)
