Monday, February 6, 2012

Valentine's Month Massacre (PART THREE)

We've seen the humans having some V-Day fun, now it's time for the animals! Rabbits, bears, big cats, little cats, and even a poor suicidal skunk... hell, even bugs need love too.


  1. I love the design work on that last one (the checkerboard cat), but it's the larger of the two tigers that's really sending me.

  2. Oh that poor skunk!!! I can't believe they would really make a child's valentine with a suicide theme! OMG. Times have changed for sure :-)

  3. >it's the larger of the two tigers that's really sending me

    I love those two as well! The rest of the V-Day posts will be the larger cards that actually open.

    >I can't believe they would really make a child's valentine with a suicide theme! OMG.

    Haha, agreed, Amber. It's almost as unsettling as child's cards with big pulsating hot dogs on them. Coming up next...

  4. Only slightly less-disturbing is the spider & ladybug one. "Let's be valentines; then I'll have you in my parlor for dinner."

  5. Tara from MDFebruary 07, 2012

    I really enjoy your vintage card posts. But that skunk! "When you care enough to send a suicidial skunk..." Something tells me that card is not prominently displayed in Hallmark marketing material...

  6. >"Let's be valentines; then I'll have you in my parlor for dinner."

    Haha. That's pretty much what every love bug thinks anyway, in one way or another.

    >"When you care enough to send a suicidial skunk..."

    I like to think that poor lil skunk got what it wanted in the end... but meh, if not, then maybe it made for a delicious candlelight Valentine dinner for two (fish) in love at the bottom of the sea.
