Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kink in My Neck...

Boy, it's hard to believe we're in the final days of July 2024 already! This month absolutely flew by so fast that it's leaving me with a severe case of whiplash! Or wait, was that really it or was it something else? Whatevs, we still have a ways to go for more summer time summerin', so let's flip through this small collection of related risqué postcards from the 1930's and 40's and try to enjoy the sun 'n buns, err fun, I mean-- while we still got it! See ya's next month for lots more!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Billiken From Another World

Here are some pix I took of the superbly sculpted Billikin model kit version of James Arness as he appears in "The Thing from Another World", the original Howard Hawks film version, unleashed upon the world back in 1951. That being said, this fantastic garage kit actually came out in 1984, just two years after the incredible John Carpenter remake / successor which of course was simply titled "The Thing" (which is also what they oddly chose to put on the base of this kit instead of the full title!) While being a bit out of my budget, unfortunately, I still made sure to get some nice close-ups of everything because there doesn't really seem to be a whole lot of anything related online. I'm also guessing there were multiple versions of this kit produced, one created in a much heavier, solid resin state, and another (like this one) in a more lightweight and seemingly hollow, recast style. The real highlight of the sculpt here is clearly the hands and the head, with those (eeeek!) giant pulsating veins being unusually unsettling! The stand seems a little basic, until you remember the wooden planks from the climax of the original were constructed into a makeshift electrical trap, where they lure the evil space vegetable to its doom, reducing it to a pile of ashes.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Vapor Bath

Here's a neat recent find: an old, hand painted 1¢ nudie cutie, coin-op title card from, I'm guessing, the 1920's or 30's. These "NOW PLAYING" ads slid into the framework of the machine just above the viewing window, enticing the movie fan to plunk in their hard-earned penny and get themselves a titillating little peepshow (ie a series of multiple cards that flipped inside the machine to create an animated illusion experience.) And the exciting subject this time around appeared to have been a young lady stripping down to take a nice relaxing vapor (aka steam) bath. How explicit did this actually get? The mind truly staggers at the possibilities! As mentioned, the card is hand painted and hand lettered in a lovely color combination of greens and turquoise blues, and the photo of our "star" glued onto the card appears to have been hand colored as well. It is also much appreciated that whoever owned this card previously had the foresight to frame it before any additional damage occurred, as clearly it's a bit rough around the edges. If anyone can unearth more information about this film short (or even the actress name) please leave a comment-- thank you! I've rounded out the post below with a few b/w images found online of other vintage coin-op peepshows!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Royal Hibernia '79

I'll admit right now that I know as much about patriotic ballads as I do beer, but I still couldn't resist the cute "Wee Folk" illustration gracing this can of Royal Hibernia (1979.) The blurb on the back fills in a few gaps, but hopefully it's the can design itself that truly captures the Irish spirit of whatever this is actually all about, ie: the dapper young male serenading two gorgeous, long-haired maidens while strumming on his cute lute, leprechauns, castle, green and gold clovers etc. It certainly makes for an interesting contrasting culture clash when compared to the more aggressive approach of major label American beer can design, what with all of the obvious manly overtones... 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Duro Decals

I swear I've posted about Duro Decals here at AEET before, but checking my archive I'm not finding a dang thing. So here's a few that I actually unearthed the other day, and oddly enough, in a few various places around at a giant antique mall, though they seem to be numerically a set and in order (426A, 426B, 426C) though each sheet also came in its own Duro Decal packet. Now as much as I love the sexy silhouettes doing their Sally Rand bubble art deco dance moves, it's that adorable Duro Decal packet collage of children covering their playthings (and furniture) with their decals that I adore the most, haha... wait, I guess I shouldn't laugh, I did the same thing when I was a kid with my Wacky Packages and Monster Initials stickers!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Neptina, Queen of the Deep

If you enjoyed the underwatery weirdness of our recent double-header over at THOIA HERE, well get ready to hold your breath just a little bit longer for another double with the first two appearances of Neptina, Queen of the Deep from the December 1939 issue of Champion Comics #2, and the January 1940 issue of Champion Comics #3. Featuring some really beautiful artwork (GCD says by "Harry Parkhurst?"), and loads of swirly great undersea atmospheric adventure, this is just the beginning of Neptina's nefarious plans to conquer the surface world, so let me know what you think and maybe we'll take a look at some additional entries later on this month...

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Mirror Maiden

It seems like the Nouveau nymphs are coming at me from all directions lately, as this lovely maiden hoisting up a massive oval mirror over her head has now become part of the permanent Karswell Kollection. Internet research says this style spelter reflector was produced as early as the late 1800's, and well into the 1920's. The tilting mirror itself (which stands nearly 19" tall) has a few minor issues around the edges, but other than that, she's in wonderful condition with her long flowing gown that drapes around creating the bronzed base. I really love her cute little face...

Friday, July 12, 2024

Ventura Sun Glasses Display

Finally got my hands on one of these 1960's Ventura Sunglasses cardboard, gas station counter displays (never used too!) yesterday. Great design, simply color usage, and a gorgeous bikini babe to really help sell the product! I’ll post more pix once I fill the left side up with some actual vintage shades —and of course please note that I would absolutely never cover up that girl! Also, as long as we're filling up at the gas station and getting supplies, it never hurts to grab some tunes. And what's this? A generic Alice Cooper 8-track hits collection! Totally nailing that shock-rock horror package vibe he's so famous for too, haha...