Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kink in My Neck...

Boy, it's hard to believe we're in the final days of July 2024 already! This month absolutely flew by so fast that it's leaving me with a severe case of whiplash! Or wait, was that really it or was it something else? Whatevs, we still have a ways to go for more summer time summerin', so let's flip through this small collection of related risqué postcards from the 1930's and 40's and try to enjoy the sun 'n buns, err fun, I mean-- while we still got it! See ya's next month for lots more!


  1. Neat postcards from the past.

    mini joke- shotgun wedding, he married his shotgun.

  2. Loving the coloring on these. Especially the second and third one. It's interesting that the rural shotgun wedding image is the only one where the cheesecake has been dialed back. Because of that, I feel like it has the most interesting characters of the bunch.

    Last full month of summer coming up!

  3. That's an odd choice of color in the "No swimming allowed" one. Green-ish yellow? No P in the Pool, please!

    4 is actually really interesting -- I'd be surprised if there were bikinis around that risqué in the 40s. There's some really good imagination going on there!

    The first one is different, but I love the more pastel coloring of the others.
