Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Fortune Teller

I have some incredibly talented people within my immediate inner circle of midwest associates, all of whom can apparently build amazing things from scratch. Take for example my new fortune teller machine, a 100% uniquely constructed animatronic prop made by my friend Brad about 10 years ago. Brad felt it was time to part ways with her, mainly because he's building another one that won't take up as much space in his own library. But here she is now at Karswell Manor, taking up as much glorious space in my office as she pleases. Do you have a question to ask her? Is there good news on the horizon, or bad? Hmmm, sometimes its better not to know-- and yes, we can clearly see how beautiful she is so please do not try flirting with her! The fortune teller herself is merely the top half of a vintage midcentury department store mannequin (possibly a Decter), with an electric animatronic xmas Santa motor tucked inside of her creating the movement (see last image in this post below.) Her Victorian fashion sense is 100% authentic: clothing, hat, jewelry, hairdo, everything. Also of late 1800's significance is the gorgeous lamp, the fortune teller playing cards spread out before her, and the red curtains hanging in the back of the box. Does the coin slot work and actually produce a fortune? No. It is a prop after all, but one that Brad brilliantly assembled with the help of his grandfather who is also equally some kind of mad scientist mastermind.


MrSteven said...

First off - Brad is amazing. Glad you acquired this beauty so it didn't just end up in the back of some garage.

Secondly - that Karzwell Manor has any room for anything the size of a phone booth is equally amazing - I don't have room for another paperback book!
And thirdly, a 1970s Zoltan which was much smaller and made of fiberglass was auctioned for $3500 over 10 years ago. Full size versions are much higher. I predict you have a valuable future collectable Mr K

JMR777 said...

I have no words to describe how great this is.

You might have to open a museum of Karswell's Kuriosities just to house all the great stuff you have.

Mr. Cavin said...

This is surely one of the greatest things ever. Just glorious. And for Halloween, she can dress up as the original Creepshow one-sheet!

Brian Barnes said...

The movement of her head is the movement of my childhood. I had so many toys or decorations that had that same back and forth movement (like the Santa motor.). It's really nostalgic which is weird for what is basically a mechanical motion!

Nice job, Brad!