Saturday, September 23, 2023

Geppetto ...of course

Hot on the heels (har!) of our Pingree Shoe Company brochure a few posts ago (HERE), steps another neat female foot item from Geppetto ...of course! Stylishly black, spike heeled in a 6 1/2 AAA --who wants to try them on first? Of course, as much as I love the sexy shoes, this post is actually more about that amazing midcentury box lid design covered in fabulously illustrated 50's legs and a variety of super shoes! Even the Geppetto brand logo is incredible ...of course! 


  1. Yeah, everything about that is super. I especially love the lettering design. I also really liked being left in the dark till the last images about exactly what you'd be needing to accessorize your new shoe. Looks like you're going to have to pick up some thigh-high harlequin stockings. Lucky dog.

  2. The art is fun, but a bit mysterious. Why the random hand? I like the bottom of the crazy puff dress, and the shoe flying off.

    I suspect this is actually a photo of a game of twister that just got really out of hand!
