Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Time now to launch our rockets into ocillating orbit with another thrilling sci-fi space babe adventure, and this time it's a frisky FUTURA entry from the May 1948 issue of Planet Comics #54! Some incredibly attractive, high detail artwork by Enrico Bagnoli, not just of fabulous Futura herself, but everything from the web-mitted aliens, to the spacecraft and evil tyrant costumes! A tremendous, top notch style that reminds me a bit of THOIA fave, Al Williamson

Countdown commencing in 5...4...3...2...1...


Brian Barnes said...

There's a good bit of the transformation from sci-fi thrillers to comic books here; it's got a ton of text and kind of misses the "show don't tell" which is an important part of the comic arts. That's not a slight, I find it really fascinating to see some of these stories which haven't fully transitioned. BTW, no a single word balloon!

I love the scratchy artwork. There is a bit of the look of Williamson who was certainly moving into his prime in a couple years. I wonder how this was drawn? Was in drawn in ink? Inking this as pencil work would have been a nightmare, and it's such fine lined worked.

This is a pretty leering comic, BTW! I love how the fish men are all like "woah, look at that babe of a completely different species!"

Are those 3 brains in a jar betting quatloos?

JMR777 said...

And just think, this was just One tale in this comic, they gave you a whole lot for a measly dime back then.

Mr. Cavin said...

Whew, that first page is a real bodice-ripper. "I'll have what she's having."

Really neat art. It looks like it was scratched into the paper instead of brushed onto it. I see the Williamson comparison, but this guy isn't resting on technical chops to convey his images to us--this stuff is grittier that that, with a lovely lack of the polish Al wouldn't be caught dead without. Also, where Williamson kind of followed in Raymond and Foster's footsteps, this feels more like Bagnoli is going for Finlay, at least to me. I love all the space battle images. Look at that chewy, mystical cosmos, reeling with nebulous clouds and thick with fireballs.

Mr. Karswell said...

Wanna see more Futura here at AEET in the not too distant futura? Let me know, cuz I'd be glad to hook ya up!

And as always, thanks again to the ever consistent few of you that continue to pop in here and check out my blog/s. As long as you guys are hanging around, I'll keep on deliverin' the posts! :)