Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Teen Time '63

Time now to travel back and marvel at what the young moderns were wearing in 1963, thanks to this beautifully painted set of cut-out paper doll fashion from the Watkins - Strathmore Co. We have a far-out assortment of casual and sports, and seasonally themed threads to make the cool daddies cooler, and the hot mamas even hotter! You probably wouldn't catch me dead at the "Big Game", --or wearing anything from the Frontier Fun page, --but I'd definitely dig me some clams at the wienie roast, and even 23 some skidoodles at the Roarin' 20's party!


  1. OK, it freaks me out that some of the clothes cut outs come with an extra hand. Where does the original hand go? Does the doll have to tuck it in behind him? What kind of 5D space do these abominations live in? Where did the hot dog come from? What clams are they digging for, or are the clams evil elder gods, long buried in the sea?????

    It's possible I might be misunderstanding this entire set.

  2. Yeah, I might not care too much about the big game either, but I would definitely get a lot of ironic, punk outlaw mileage out of that varsity sweater.

    Man, I always love these books. I don't even imagine using the paper dolls, just the clothes: It's like a totally rad, atom-age Invisible Teens play-set. "Eisenhower rays invaded the juke joint, and now these wild delinquents are out of this world, man!"
