Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Supp-Hose Phoenix

I love great packaging and logo design, and one fine example I recently found is this unused, vintage box of Supp-Hose Phoenix nylon stockings, circa 50's. From the gold-trimmed, colorful box lid and lovely leggy photography, to the superbly streamlined tissue wrap and booklet inside, (complete with fun mid century illustrations to boot!) --it certainly doesn't get much more classy than this! What'supp, hose?


  1. Oh yeah, the booklet illustrations are great. I love the first one, the way she's slinkin' down the road in that hat.

    Have you actually worn the hose yet? Do they really support your tired legs?

  2. Damn it, "Pettie Royal" is my burner account here!

    I'm not sure what kind of editing/lighting they did for the cover model, but she looks practically porcelain!

    What is the thing the "Career girl" is standing next to? Is that a rack of storage modules for the computer???? :)

  3. I know there are collectors for just about everything imaginable, I wonder how many stocking collectors there are in the world.

    Would these hose be the equivalent of Gucci or a lesser brand.
