Saturday, July 2, 2022

Tiger Costume 'Jama '70

At the tender age of three years old, I was a ferocious, man eating tiger for Halloween '70! And though the original has long since escaped from my fuzzy wuzzy clutches-- I now have the grrreat costume again! This was a clever Ben Cooper concept of combining a Halloween costume with pajamas for the younger trick 'r treater, cute and cuddly warm any 'ol time of the year! Lots of fun artwork on the box design as well, (see the pix below) and I even included a few photos of yours truly with my proud papa on that wonderful night so many, many years ago! And a big thank you again to Super Slayla for finding this amazing memory for me too! XXX


  1. Treated to "temporarily" retard flame. Well, that's reassuring!

    The lettering on the front is interesting to my OCD :). It's left centered, which leaves the dots on one side. I have no idea why they didn't center it. To me, it looks weird.

    Very cute costume! Really good fine and in really good condition!

  2. When I fist saw these photos, I thought the Costume 'Jamas were footies. But I see you added your own value there. Keen idea; but I have to admit I'm a little disappointed that those didn't come attached to the pants. Both because it's a better idea, and also because I wanted o see what the devil footies would look like. Hoofies?

    Your own early seventies costume looks a lot fuzzier. I also see that the stripes in one version arc up, while on the other they arc down. Interesting design shift. I wonder which came first?

  3. I love these photos of you and your father so much! Awesome post master Karswell!

  4. Thank you again, I love it so much!! <3

  5. Awwww! That's so adorable! I hope you slept many cozy nights in those cute pjs
