Thursday, July 14, 2022

Shrunken Head Time Again...

Wait a sec... didn't I just post about shrunken heads last month? Yep, I sure did. But that was about the fun 70's Vincent Price Shrunken Head Apple Sculpture kit for kids (if you missed it CLICK HERE.) Now today's post is a little more on the dark and macabre side, though no less fun! See, I recently started a new job and was pleasantly surprised to discover that one of my craftier co-workers makes incredibly life-like (is that even the right word?) tsantsas! Goat skin, horse hair, chicken bones, and a whole lot of similar, ancient Jivaro headhunter / headshrinker techniques are applied to create one of Earth's most unpleasantly awful Amazonian realities-- the shrunken human head! AIEEEEE!!! *GAG! Sorry. And to say much more about the ghastly creation of my new trophy would also be an infringement upon my co-workers own secret techniques-- believe it, or not! Please be warned as you scroll down, that while this shrunken head is of course not real, it is indeed still extremely unnerving, and oh-so awesomely gruesome! And CLICK HERE if you want to read a wonderfully weird tale about this exact same thing, --NOW PLAYING at THOIA!


  1. Where the hell is your new job, curator at the Adam's Family house?!?!

    Very nice work! Certainly a lot of work with the goat skin to (glue/sew) it together into the shape of a human head, and the rope work is very good, too! What a nice piece. Tell your co-worker that s/he's got a lot of talent.

  2. Wow, that is tres cool. Very amazing work. I guess there's no Etsy site for this yet? I'd love to see some more examples.

  3. Not sure how these will be sold eventually, I’ll find out and let you know. Thanks for the comments
